Mare Nostrum aims to help bridge the policy-implementation gap between existing Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) tools and their actual effect on the ground.

Mare Nostrum’s ultimate objective is to improve the socio-economic and the environmental sustainability of the Mediterranean coastline while increasing its resilience to natural and man-made hazards.

The project identifies local impediments to implementation and leverages insights gathered from local successes into improved policy-making. The project’s methodology seeks to achieve more effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) through the generation of a dialogue between numerous and diverse stakeholders. Social and geopolitical impacts of the project will include:

Enhanced public awareness of coastline management issues
Increased accessibility of spatial planning data
Enhanced dialogue between competing interest groups
A more engaged and empowered citizenry
Encouraging conflict mitigation and intercultural dialogue
Mare Nostrum seeks to achieve gradual improvement in the effectiveness of instruments for integrated spatial planning and coastline management and improve dialogue and cooperation across national borders in partner countries.